
May 30th, 2009

I called my mom this afternoon & asked, "How do I make eggs?" She laughed at me (but helped). This photo obviously isn't of the eggs but is instead of the Boca crumbles & peppers I cooked up to go with them in my breakfast burrito. It wasn't a huge success, namely because I added some sort-of-gross pesto to the mix, but I guess you can't get 'em all right, eh? Anyway: I LOVE LEARNING TO COOK!


  1. i love that you have a blog just for 365 days of pictures! what a fun idea!

  2. I love it! I also called my mom a few months ago to ask her how to make eggs... and today I looked on the internet to find out how to scramble them.

  3. this picture makes me happy! lu


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