
Jan. 20th, 2009

In all fairness, I didn't take this photograph, but I did facilitate it so I think it counts. I helped a little girl onto her father's shoulders this morning as we waited amongst a few thousand of our closest friends for the swearing in of President Barack Obama -- & while she was up there, I asked her to take this photo for me. I love that people are looking at her, directly at her camera, & I think their faces are so telling. They look cold. Excited. Hungry. Eager. Tired. And hopeful.

Hang tight for a link to my Flickr stream of all today's photos, or at least all the photos I could upload onto my free account. (UPDATE: Here they are) Today was a beautiful, beautiful day, & I look forward to telling my children & grandchildren where I was, what I was doing, who I was with & exactly what I was a part of on January 20, 2009, the day America made history -- the good kind.

Welcome, President Obama!

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