
Jan. 26th, 2009

Whoaaaa, today was busy, so I only felt it appropriate to give you a shot of my home away from home. This is my desk, which my coworkers joke somewhat resembles a seventh grader's locker. And below those ultra-liberal anti-war I've got hangin' there is my little system of organization, my Post-It Note-based to-do list: Pink are "not urgent," yellow are "do today" & purple are "do by tomorrow." Of course, my coworkers like to make fun of that, too.

And my miniature fan, which provides little relief from the sauna-like conditions in my windowless office, which I only somewhat affectionately call the Panic Room. And the picture frame I painted, holding a photo of my old coworkers (slash closest friends) & me in New Orleans last year. And on the right, my BFF's little bro's senior pic & two snapshots of my mom's adorable goddaughter, Daphne.

And in the middle? The computer I have to box up tomorrow morning to send to New York City so that our IT guys can either fix it or replace it. KILL MEEE.


  1. I LOVE the < /thewar> sticker. So geeky/awesome.

  2. My computer is also being replaced. I feel your pain.
    Also, did you move desks?

  3. WOW your desk is way too organized. Mine is a mess of papers everywhere. It helps make me look busy and organized :)


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